How we drive 7x ROI from LinkedIn

No not a typo... This is as an agency and for our clients 😎

Hello beautiful people!

It’s another Friday, but this one is special for me…

I am out in Utah right now and my commute to work is exceptional

… it’s a 20 minute walk with this beauty to look at the whole time

They say people that live near the mountains

or close to the sea

live longer

and honestly I am starting to realize why 🥲


Let’s get into today’s email 😤

How we realize a 7x ROI from our LinkedIn advertising

This may sound like a crazy return on investment

but I assure you it is EXTREMELY conservative

So I am going to give away yet another awesome strategy

that any business can use to increase ROI.

This industry agnostic approach is what we provide as a service to our clients

so if you like what I have to say, perhaps you should consider

taking a call with me sometime 😏

Where the strategy starts

Contrary to what you may think

Our strategy doesn’t start on LinkedIn

In fact it starts on Bing

Yes, Bing (the boomer search engine)

Here’s why…

  1. It offers the same ad space as Google but with less competition

  2. Less Spam

  3. Cheaper clicks (roughly 300% cheaper)

So our measly $1000 in monthly ad spend on Bing

Brings in 1000 highly qualified prospects to our website

What now?

Well, if you’ve listened to me before

I always preach having pixels of all social media ad channels on your site

(obviously with a window loaded trigger in Google Tag Manager so you aren’t

making your website MEGA slow).

But by having these pixels installed, you are able to follow up with these contacts.

So I can effectively run middle of funnel

and bottom of funnel ads to these folks at a

fraction of the cost

How the math works?

Well if our average customer lifetime value is $10,000

and it only takes us $300 / month ($10/day) on LinkedIn

and the initial $1,000 in spend on Bing

to acquire one new client

then we are realizing roughly a 7x ROI

For you folks out there that can’t do math

cough cough UGA grads cough cough

that’s $10,000/$1300 = 7.69

^just kidding about you UGA’ers… kinda 😉

So what does this mean?

7x sounds really good so why aren’t I a millionaire yet?

Well, I tend to invest all the money we make from clients

right back into the business in the form of ads & outreach software

You see that 7x ROI can be realized on Google Display






So if this sounds good to you, then what are you waiting for?

Schedule some time to chat with me soon 😉

Until next time.

Ian “The Paid Media Guy” Binek

P.S. We just got two new web clients - and I have some super exciting news to announce soon! Be sure to follow my LinkedIn if you want to stay in the know about all things going on at Optimize 🥳