I've pivoted my agency 5 times in 5 months

A quick note on how far Optimize has come in the last 5 months

I've pivoted with my agency ~5 times in 5 months 🤧

You may be asking why?

And the answer is tough to say...

Being a first gen entrepreneur is hard, and the constant questioning of if you're doing something the "right" way creates a lot of FOMO.

I combatted that FOMO by making quick decisions and stress testing these decisions with a crazy amount of hard work.

And when I found a flaw in my strategy - I quickly looked to pivot.

But alas - that left me spinning my wheels - constantly updating my website, my messaging, my slide decks, ... basically everything.

It wasn't until I took 2 solid weeks to think about my team's core skill set and the real value that we can provide that I was able to pick a core set of services and an ICP.

I was able to make this decision confidently because I knew:

  1. We are really good at these services

  2. We can productize them in the future

  3. We are passionate about these services

Armed with these, I feel like this is by far the best pivot we have made and I finally feel like this one will stick.

So what's our offering now you may be wondering?


We decided to go back to our roots and our core skill set - the one skill set that has driven 10+ case studies and is the primary reason I decided to go out on my own and do this whole entrepreneur thing.

We offer PPC Optimization services to B2B Tech companies who are…

  1. Struggling to recognize a higher ROAS (3+).

  2. Driving too many unqualified leads (Unqualified Lead Rates of +30%).

  3. Driving high CPC's and are burning through budget on low intent terms.

Some big differentiators for us are...

⭐️ We have experience of managing countless B2B startup to Fortune 500 PPC accounts (10+ Case Studies of our work - very detailed on our website and on Clutch)

⭐️ Our unique toolkit (Human Assisted - AI optimizations That Save $100s each month, First Party Competitive Scraping For Actionable Insights In Month 1, And Custom Dashboards For Full Transparency)

⭐️ Background in CRO - Understanding that PPC campaigns only do as well as their landing page. We partner with B2B LP experts to help deliver the best results.

I can't wait to start posting more refined content specifically on PPC moving forward!

To everyone who has helped me get this far - thank you! It's been a rocky road but slowly, and surely, we are making progress.

Until next time.

To Your Success,

Ian "PPC Optimization" Binek