It’s never been a better time

The truth about being too busy and why it is self defeating

Happy Friday 👋 

The single biggest objection I get from clients is…

I’m too busy right now 👎️ 

Which, for most of us, is a very relatable objection.

But I’m here to explain why that’s a losing mindset

lets play this out… 😉 

Okay great, you aren’t ready to start running ads because you’re too busy.

If we agree and say great, we will follow up in 3 months…

then we both are assuming you aren’t going to be busy in 3 months…

Which most of us know that the “busyness” doesn’t just go away

But let’s just say it does… 😁 

Great, we hit you with an email or with an ad and you sign up for our services

We build your inbound machine and you start getting a good number of new, qualified prospects within 60 days.


But hold up…

Now you’re busy again… 🙃 

We start to have trouble getting ahold of you for marketing lead syncs

We struggle to make tactical AB tests rooted with your product expertise because you’re BUSY

Then performance starts to decline…

As a result…

You get a lil less busy and now you start to question of what we are doing is working

But all along we were just trying to get a hold of you

After 30 days of a lower # of qualified leads, you give up and churn 🫠 

So what happened?

If you use the excuse that you’re too busy to try something that you know you should be doing then…

You are just delaying an inevitable problem that will continue to occur for you…

Over and over…

So what do we recommend? 🧠 

Well, truthfully the best time to do something is now…

If you are sold on its effectiveness and understand it’s need…

Then do it.

Don’t wait.

Because if you only want to do the thing when you’re not busy then it won’t ever stick when you are.

How are we practicing this? (A Practical Example)

For us, this is rooted in content

As an agency we know that content is something we must be doing

Now more than ever, trust is crucial to win more deals and prevent client churn

So although we are busy, we make time for content (like this newsletter & our podcast)

It’s up to you… but we recommend not using the busy excuse anymore (especially if you’re on a call with us ;))

The Top Mistakes CMOS Make

I just had a wonderful conversation with Ben Scandlen of Mosaic Growth Solutions. Check it out on our website above.

Until then…

To Your Success,

Ian “no excuses” Binek

P.S. we have two exceptional podcast guests coming up next week and many more on the way. Very excited to push more of these thought leadership pieces of content through our Spotify podcast and YouTube channel. Be sure to follow along there if you aren’t already :)