How to Send Automated Emails to Website Visitors

Automatically send personalized emails to your ICP with this process.

You’ve probably seen it on LinkedIn

…the automated and personalized Emails that send to website visitors…

And couldn’t help but wonder,

“could I do this?”

But before thinking for too long, you’ve written it off for any number of reasons…

  1. Another post caught your eye

  2. A fire popped up

  3. You had to take a meeting

  4. Or simply you didn’t think it was worth it

But the FOMO was probably still there.

And I am here to tell you that’s normal.

When I scroll on LinkedIn nowadays, instead of doing normal social media “brain rot” activities -

I instead find myself getting a little bit of FOMO and trying to learning as much as I can…

So I totally understand if you feel a little overwhelmed with all the new tools coming out…

Not to mention pairing no code with AI…

It’s getting more and more complex to do things that drive actual appointments with quality prospects.

This email is all about how to setup a system once, and let it run in the background with minimal effort moving forward.

How to Identify Website Visitors, Enrich Them, and Sync them to Email Sequences Automatically

Here's how we do it:

  1. Someone visits your Website.

  2. RB2B identifies the person.

  3. You get the contact information via Slack.

  4. You can automatically push the data to Clay...

  5. ...which enriches, then qualifies, then uses AI to personalize sentence 1 to your prospects.

  6. Route them to Smartlead

What’s so dang simple about this is that these people are automatically enriched with Clay, and syncing directly into our smartlead campaigns - so it’s a completely hands off process.

The sync sends them to our 500 email a day demand gen campaign.

So yeah, they may not respond - or maybe they will - but they will never know that we got their contact information simply from visiting our website.

Just no code & enrichment magic happening in the background is all.

Below is a quick video showing you the process 🙂 

Your Options

Alright, so this may look like a lot.

And to a degree it certainly is.

If you don’t know how to use enrichment software, or web hooks, or AI prompts, or email sequence software…

then this could be daunting.

That’s why we offer this as one of our core services in our inbound machine offer.

We do consult with brands outside of the Cyber and SaaS space if they are interested.

Want to chat? Book some time with me by applying on our website.

Until then…

To Your Success,

Ian “The Inbound Guy” Binek

P.S. We’ve gotten some feedback and we will be creating a lead gen offer with our agency moving forward. If you like any of the AI or No Code automations that I am doing for my agency and my clients, then we would love to have you fill out our contact us form to discuss building these for your biz. Cheers!