your missing link

What You're Marketing Funnel Is Missing [High Leverage Ad Opportunities]

Another Friday, another Optimize newsletter 🥳

And this week we are going to start with a law coined by Google’s Market Research team. 🥸


The 7/11/4 Rule states that a prospect needs to engage with your content for 7 minutes, 11 different times, on 4 different platforms before they will consider your product/service

Pretty crazy right?

Opens your eyes to the amount of noise and attention you need before getting more leads

So what does this mean?

Well at optimize we like to reverse engineer things 🧠 

Sort of like how you take a Lego apart to see how it was built

We do that with rules, laws, marketing campaigns…

Pretty much everything…

So by doing that we are able to determine the building blocks necessary to

Get our prospects attention for

7 minutes

11 different times

On 4 different channels

Most companies we speak with are doing great at

let’s say 1 or 2 channels

So let’s say SEO & PPC

Not bad

But the problem here is simple

This is only two channels

What about all the time the prospect spends

during working hours

and during evening hours

on social media?

Wouldn’t it be great to show up consistently

Whether your prospect was shopping

or not?

How to create retargeting campaigns that actually work

A lot of companies fall into a common trap

and that is not installing tracking pixels ahead of time

You see it takes weeks sometimes to get retargeting audiences ready to go and populated

This means that when you are running your Google Ads

then those people that visit your landing page

are now tracked with a pixel

that you can retarget later on.


the pixel and the audience bucket was already created.

We have a ton of resources on this on our website

but a great place to start would be to check out this blog

all about demand gen and how we approach it

Why you should consider working with an expert?

Trying to setup these campaigns by yourself is tricky

here’s why:

  1. You need to really understand the buyer journey and relevant pages that translate into new qualification steps for your users

  2. You need multiple landing pages, with multiple designs, with multiple conversion tracking pixels

  3. You don’t have a lot of time - nor operational efficiencies to do this every month

You see,

where most companies go wrong is that they set these campaigns up


then that’s it!

They think it will be all that needs to be done

But I’ve said it before and I will say it again


Campaign setup is… maybe… 20% of the overall work an agency should be doing

the other 80 is spent on optimization and AB testing

^ that is if you want to actually see results

but alas, if a company wants to go at it alone,

I still view it as an honorable decision

It’s just that one person’s job will now completely be marketing focused

or at least should be

otherwise you aren’t making the most of your time and money

Ending on a positive note :)

I have been interviewing a few agency owners on the podcast

and I have learned a lot!

So I know that anyone who listens will also find it valuable.

I just spoke to Alec Beard, CEO of StoryWon, an SEO agency

and his insights on content and how he ranks higher for

quality pieces of content

was really cool!

Can’t wait to release that episode on Spotify later next week 🤓

Until next time,

Ian “The Paid Media Guy” Binek

P.S. Closed some big deals this week & we are starting some really cool engagements! If you want to get into this cohort of client’s start dates then please act fast. We have 1 spot left for this cohort before we need to delay start dates to 2 weeks from now. We do this to maintain quality work! If you’re interested let me know so we can get you in our next cohort of client start dates 🙂